Wednesday 12 October 2016

Nose pores - Open pores on face

There are people who have oily skins. Their skins produce a lot of oil. This excessive oil production is what causes the pores to enlarge. The oil sometimes combines with dirt which sticks on the face. Together, they clog the pores. The oil has to find its way out of the pores and subsequently, there is enlargement of the pores. Perhaps this is the reason why oily faces have to watch constantly with plenty of water to remove the excess oil which accumulates on the skin.

Dead skin cells are culprits when it comes to having pores that are larger than usual. This is because the dead cells build up on the skin and cause blockage. These dead cells are associated with the outbreak of blackheads on the face. This is after oxidation takes place in the pores as a result of the blockage.

There could be many factors which could occasion this problem. However, each one of us could have a different cause and the only way is to eliminate any of the above. Once you have identified the cause, the next best thing to do would be to find a cure to the problem. If for any reason, the cause is not any of the above; it is advisable that one visits a dermatologist for consultation. You could for instance be suffering from a skin condition that causes the pores to enlarge. The face is very vulnerable to stress, lifestyle and also how one takes care of it.

For more information visit website through #nosepores.

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