It is not
unheard off to hear stories where a great trailer alone was all that was needed
to secure distribution, seeing as this is what sells the film to audience.The
majority of people who make a film, whether it is a short or feature length,
want to get into one of the major festivals. But how many people have done.This
brilliant tutorial from Casey Faris, on How To Sharpen Your Footage In Post, is
a fantastic and well-informed step by step guide on how to fix footage which is
slightly.Making an Indie film is always tough. You always make it harder on
yourself when who tackle classicly big budget genres such as action. DJI along
with Film Riot have put.There are so many job titles and terms in the film
world that there are bound to be some you haven't come across yet or just never
learnt the meaning off.You got that fancy camera locked down, all the lights
and sets built, and all the props to make your film perfect.